Notepad Chaos Template

Every release helps to make the Web a nicer place which is why we support designers and challenge them to release something for free in order to be featured on Smashing Magazine. And the results are quite often pretty impressive.

Today we are glad to release Notepad Chaos — a free professional Wordpress-theme. The theme has 2 columns, a quite vibrant design including “personal” design elements such as handwritten headings, stick-it-notes, clips and pins. The theme was designed by Evan Eckard especially for Smashing Magazine and its readers.

Download the theme for free!



You can use the theme for all your projects for free and without any restrictions. However, it’s forbidden to sell or redistribute the theme without both designer’s and Smashing Magazine’s permission — please link to this article if you would like to spread the word. You may modify the theme as you wish, but if you are planning to release your modification, please ask our permission first.

Motivation behind the design

Here are some insights about the design process and development from the designer himself.
“I had recently stumbled upon many websites with gorgeous, gigantic, illustrated backgrounds and wanted to try my hand at creating a site that shared that similar element. This theme was an experiment into layering multiple images and having everything line up and flow with the site’s content.

Among other things, the Notepad Chaos theme has handwritten search box and navigation at the top of the layout.
It was quite a challenge to develop the design after creating it, but in the end it helped me gain more experience in CSS and what we designers can do to try and create sites with plenty of visual depth. On the technical side of things, the theme doesn’t use any plugins or extras, and focuses simply on the design.

Sidebar in the Notepad Chaos is designed as a post-it-note and clipped at the top.
The themes uses a custom field called “thumbnail” where the user can add an image to their post. The instructions are within the readme file along with how to set up the menu links.”
Thank you, Evan. We appreciate your work and your good intentions.


IG Feno said...


xphunt3r said...

look great but you need to fix date. It is hidden behind ring

Gopinath M said...
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ggl said...


Ahmad Raimi said...
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Ahmad Raimi said...

can help me? i can't install this theme..i always got this error..take a look and please help me..sorry for the 1st post..i can't edit it

Nicecrane Designs said...

I need your help Urgent...... I have just intall this them but I can´t watch DATE ,,,, instead it you can view "Undefined".

please chek it here:

and I am looking for where I can add my widgets and link section,,,,,,,,,,I was looking in the CODE but I am not sure where I must place my new code,,,,, please could you help me as soon as poosible??? and thanks in advance my personal e-mail

Ahmad Raimi said...

i think you should change it somewhere at
customize>setting>formatting..there i think as know if i bump any date or time error..

btw..i still can't use the template~got error occour~might help me nicecrane? i already add u as my yahoo messenger list

~ Jill ~ said...

I'm also having problems with the date.

weruska said...

Some sollution of date problem? :/
I see "undefined" too.

Anonymous said...

Hola buenas; siento mucho no hablar ingles.

Queria felicitarte por la plantilla tan bonita que has hecho.

Yo he modificado las imagenes y alguna cosita de tu plantilla, pero me gustaria que me dijeras como conseguir cambiar el tipo de letra y tamaƱo de la columna donde estan los menus, de categorias que vamos metiendo ... Ya que eso no lo he logrado (y he ido modificando todas las font de la plantilla pero nada).

Bueno de nate mano muchisimas gracias y perdona las molestias.

A Weruska, decirla que cambie el formato de la hora. Para ello ve a ConfiguraciĆ³n/Formato. Y cambia el formato "17:11 PM", por el que ponga la fecha en este formato " Viernes, Octubre, 24,2008"
Y asi se solucionara el problema de date "undafined".
Un saludo.

dizzy88 said...


Fantastic design, it's really beautiful

I'm having trouble with the date as well. It's showing up as undefined.


rafaela said...

thanks elha!

in english now... 'trouble with the date"

settings -- formatting -- timestamp format and chose "wednesday, october 29, 2008"..

thats it!

1001nights said...

I am having trouble posting comments!

1001nights said...

on my own blog, I mean, after installing this new template....

the "post comment" button won't work...nothing happens when I click it

Unknown said...

Great template. I use it as my blog layout. But I cannot see the number of posts on my 'label' widget. Nebody knows how to display the number of posts on label?


Anonymous said...


sezabut said...

woavv beatiful..

Exceptional Novice said...

i want this on my can i do that?

Unknown said...

I am having trouble with the date, its showing me undefined. I've tried everything that is said above. Below is the date format list from my blogger:

Jan 2, 2009
January 2, 2009
Friday, January 2, 2009
Friday, January 02, 2009
Friday, January 2
January 02, 2009
02, January 2009
02, January, 2009

Which one do i select? I have tried almost every selection. It still does not work.

Please help me.

Anonymous said...

I'm just a beginner and appreciate any help available - I love your design, so I have downloaded it. What next? If I click on it, it says it is xml and I should be cautious opening it as it was downloaded from the web. But when I open it, it is not in a good layout - and I have no idea where to post what into my blogger 'edit html' tab. Any step by step instructions, including what application should be used to open the downloaded file in, would be really helpful. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Well Thank you for porting this theme After much hunting around and fixing the date and trying to find "where" to stick my personal text into the footer - I have it setup finally. Will enjoy this theme while using it.


"Jots" said...

ShwariaT - btw - she said to use the "time Stamp # 4 - not date

Kolbus said...


Katreeeena said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jhonatan Silva. said...

The same problem as always ..
The date!

Have tried everything and I can not.

If you can help me stamen is the blog and msn:

the teacher said...


same problem: date, how can i fix it?
Can u help me please

Somebody!! how can i fix the date?

Anonymous said...



Is it fine or needs rework>

Need your opinion


Igor said...


Jamilah Hanan said...


Sorry my bad english.

I'm having problems with "recent post". My posts do not appear in this file. What should I do?

I await response.

Thank you, kisses.

C-Dawg said...

Awesome design! Had some issues with the Search, but I got it working. And the "Friends & Links" / "Misc" images weren't lining up right for some reason, so I had to remove them. Other than that, no problems. The style fits really well with my blog, so I'm very happy. Thank You!

Web Design Quote said...

Great template...I like the Notepad Chaos Template. Your blog awesome i am happy to visit your blog. Thanks for the sharing such a nice staff.

Kate said...

I can't seem to get the date portion to work properly. I did the 4th option like noted but can't get it to work. It just states undefined.

gwen said...


Anonymous said...

hey.. how do i write in the "what is this place?" section?

"the girl who ate everything and didnt even burp" said...

Looks awesome! I've it as my blog's design now! Thanks ever so much :)

Avinash said...

Hey template background not loading.... please help......

Anonymous said...

am unable to download or open the xml file - pls help!!!!

Henrique Cezarino said...

very cool
muito legal

CeeJay said...

this is a beautiful template
but i have a question, I downloaded it and the little tag beside the posts, right on the binders that shows the month and day was showing as "undefined" how do i correct this?

Sadie said...

This is an open question, anyone that has the answer please share. This is an awesome template but I get the following error message whenever I try to install it:

"Please correct the error below, and submit your template again.
Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly.
XML error message: The entity name must immediately follow the '&' in the entity reference."

Thanks much

Sadie said...

Hey There, I'm back again. I found my answer after searching all day and it was so simple, I could kick myself. Maybe, someone else may be experiencing the same problem ... try the following, maybe this is the solution you have been looking for...8o)

[quote] If you get an error the problem is most likely the following: You did not extract the files after download. If you look carefully, you will see that the file you downloaded has been saved in a "zip" format. You have to right-click on it and say "Extract All". Inside you will see only two files. Ignore the "Readme" and select the other file when uploading into Blogger. Anonymous Anonymous April 23, 2009 7:43 AM #

My solution was found buried in a mountain of responses from folks that had the same problem I was having...8o)

Conny Kaufmann said...

The header image doesn't show anymore. It comes up with a problem on imageshack. How do I fix it? Because I like the way my blog looks and would hate to have to reinstall everything and find a new template!

Daydreamer said...

I'm very new to this so i'm sorry if its a silly question, but is this a wordpress compatible template? If so, how do I upload it onto a self hosted wordpress blog (i.e. not with )?

squarepeardesign said...

So you want to create a company blog? This is great news. WordPress is truly a user-friendly platform that you can use to share your expertise in your field as well as communicate directly with your target audience.
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rahm said...

your template its really amazing, but i can download it because the download link is dead... can you give me another link?

Jason Statham said...

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